Testiny v1.15

Good news everyone, some new features arrived! :partying_face:

2FA: We now support 2-factor-authentication (2FA) using TOTP (authenticator), hardware keys/Passkey, and email codes.

Test case import: The TestRail API importer can now also import links to requirements (references) in Jira organizations. The import wizard also provides a summary with stats of all imported entities and encountered problems.

Integrations: The Redmine integration can now optionally search for issues in sub-projects.

Account: We added an account settings page

  • See your login sessions and logout session from the overview
  • See your organization memberships
  • Users with no access to any organization can login and create an organization

See all features and bug fixes in our changelog .


Bug fixes

  • Importer
    • Fixed attachment upload error if there are a lot(!) of attachments linked to just a few test cases
    • Fixed import being aborted if there is an error when downloading attachments
    • Fixed a rare error when parsing CSV files with unconventional formatting
  • Server
    • Only seed the database once even if setting up the Testiny server multiple times from a fresh container with the storage volume missing
    • Normalize HTTP allowed origins set in the configuration

See a complete list of all releases in our changelog .

Bug fixes

  • Importer: Fixed error handling for invalid requirement references
  • Added support for days & weeks in duration fields, e.g. estimate

See a complete list of all releases in our changelog .