Suggestion for custom fields with Multi Select:

Hello! I recently had to create a custom field with a multi-select option to indicate which parts of the system each test case touches. It’s a big list (324 values, to be exact :smiling_face_with_tear:) that will be constantly updated as new features are developed. So, I’d like to suggest two improvements for the multi-select option in custom fields:

  1. The ability to import multi-select fields via a .csv file, similar to how test cases are imported.
  2. The ability to move/rearrange multi-select fields, similar to how we can rearrange test cases, allowing new fields to follow the same order pattern as the existing ones, making them easier to be found (or the option to search for a specific selection field by typing its name).

I understand these are very specific requests, but they would greatly improve our company’s testing processes (and hopefully benefit others as well!), So, I hope you consider them. Thank you so much!

Hi and welcome to our forum!

We’ve just looked into your problem and adding those 324 values must have been really tedious :grimacing:.

  1. We are not going to implement an import feature here at the moment, but we’ll add an “add value” button in each row. This will make it easier to add values at the end of a long list, and also allow values to be inserted between other values.
  2. We’ll add a filter/search bar to the select boxes.

These features will be available with the next feature release.

Thank you for bringing this issue to our attention and helping us improve Testiny.

Best regards,

The filter/search for select boxes and improved custom field settings have been released with v1.19.0.