In the field type for custom fields I need Date/Time to be a type option instead of just normal duration. Understanding I can manually add a duration, I need a way to track/log when something occurs so that I can later calculate that total duration value. In our current workflow, if we escalate a failure to our dev team that was being tested, we track when they accepted the issue and then when they return the fix to us.
Hi, welcome to our forum!
It definitely makes sense to introduce a Date/Time type for custom fields. We’re aware of that and plan to implement it in the future. Thanks for letting us know that you’d need this custom field type.
However, I’m not sure if I totally understand the requirements for your workflow. If you want to track when a result was set, you can see that in the history. Respectively, you can also create a custom field and get the timestamps of the test case changes from the history view.
You can also use our API to collect the timestamps and calculate the difference between those.
In the example screenshot below you can see when a result was changed and by whom.
Please let me know if this satisfies your requirements or if I misunderstood your workflow.
With the latest release we now provide date & date-time custom field types, allowing to select a date & time with a calendar view, respectively, and also providing filters on the values.
Best regards,