Importing a export from Testiny ends up in test step formatting errors

In my use case, I need to export some folders with test cases from one Testiny project and import them again in another Testiny project.

Importing works just fine, but the test steps and preconditions have multiple formatting erorrs.

  • Bold text becomes cursive
  • Tables become normal text
  • It seems, empty expected results are not a thing… if a expected result is empty for a step, the import just takes the next expected result, even though it’s from the next step
  • Images are not exported / imported correctly, so the steps just include the image name. This is probably not a bug, since csv export doesn’t export images

Hey Niko,

thanks for sharing this issues.
Could you send the respective file to [email protected]?

We’ll have a look at it and reach out to you directly.


Hey Niko,

thanks again for providing us the file; as mentioned the fixes regarding e.g. importing bold text will be live soon.

To share it with the community as well – here’s again the code snippet for the browsers dev-console to copy test cases from one project to another:

// 123 = TC ID
var tc = await testiny.testcase.findOne(123);
tc.project_id = 2; // use new project ID
await testiny.testcase.insert(tc);

There’s no “move” yet; for not use “copy” and the delete the test:
await testiny.testcase.remove({id: 123})
