What CURL rest or REST API is required to do the following:
I added a test-case to Test-Result. How do I add that via REST API?
I run a test-case via legacy app. I want to report the test-case passed. How do I do that via REST API?
What CURL rest or REST API is required to do the following:
I added a test-case to Test-Result. How do I add that via REST API?
I run a test-case via legacy app. I want to report the test-case passed. How do I do that via REST API?
Hey Sally,
It’s a bit hard for me to understand what you’d like to achieve.
Our overall REST API documentation is available here:
Updating the result of a test execution within a test run can be done with this call:
You can also use our importer to import whole test runs, e.g. from a JUnit file:
Hope this gives you some guidance into the right direction.
For further help, please let me know what you mean with “legacy” app or what “adding a test case to a test result” means
Kind regards,
Hey Sally,
thanks for the screenshot – that helps a lot.
The respective curl call looks like this:
curl -L -X POST 'https://app.testiny.io/api/v1/testrun/mapping/bulk/testcase:testrun?op=update' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-H 'X-Api-Key: <API_KEY_VALUE>' \
--data-raw '[{
"ids": { "testcase_id": 1234, "testrun_id": 3 },
"mapped": { "result_status": "PASSED" }
Please update the API-Key, the test case id + the run id to the respective values.
Hope this helps