Get all test cases related to a test plan

Hi team! I’m working on automating the execution of a test plan, and I need to retrieve all the test cases related to a specific test plan. Is it possible to do this via the API? Thanks

Hi and welcome to the Testiny forum!

Unfortunately, there is no easy way to do that right now, i.e. no direct API to get the test cases in a test plan, nor a way to create a test run out of a test plan.

Both these API endpoints are already on our roadmap, but we cannot predict a date, yet, when we will tackle or release this API.

That said, the more people request this feature, the sooner it will be worked on and be available.
So if anyone reads this and also needs this feature, please leave an upvote or even a comment/post what your requirements are. Thank you! :slight_smile:

Best Regards,

It’s a pity! I was excited about starting a PoC using Testiny. I’m really impressed with Testiny’s potential and believe it could significantly enhance our processes.

However, I’m afraid I’ll have to pause this project. I hope you can prioritize the development of this feature soon. I am eager to showcase Testiny’s capabilities and resume my efforts :slight_smile: