English UK or DD/MM/YYYY format for English

Currently Testiny provides language options of English and German.

When English is chosen, the date format is MM/DD/YYYY
When German is chosen, the date format is DD/MM/YYYY

As an Australian user, I was hoping that we could use English but with the DD/MM/YYYY date format, either by having the date format customisable, or for “English UK” being an option in the language selection.

This would also benefit other non-American English users.

We have an update regarding this issue: Even if Testiny does not provide an explicit option to set the used locale (language format), it will still respect the English/German locale set in your browser:

  • in Chrome, search for Websites in your languages in the settings
  • in Firefox, search for Choose your preferred language for displaying pages in the settings
  • Choose your country specific language, e.g. “English (Australia)” as first language
  • by default, Testiny already uses the language set in your browser, alternatively, you can also set the Testiny language in your profile settings

Hope that helps until we have a setting to choose the locale in Testiny! :slight_smile:

Best regards,

Thanks for joining the forum!

I understand why that’s an issue for you - we don’t use the short date format in too many places in the app, but it’s still confusing. We’ve already discussed offering a setting to customize the date format, but I cannot promise any release for this feature soon.

Best regards,

With v1.22.0 you can now set the regional format to use in Testiny from your profile settings.

Best Regards,