Create Test Run via REST API

Hello, I’m trying to make a call to create a test run based on a certain test plan, but the request is returning a 400 error

Given your example, when using /bulk you need to pass in an array (or not use /bulk).

You can also omit the created/modified/deleted fields because this is metadata and ignored when used as input. id is also not needed on create because it is auto-generated, and _etag is only needed when updating to detect conflicts (Those are present in api responses thats why they are included in the OpenAPI schema)

Inserting a new testrun will, however, only create a new testrun (and attach it to a test plan in the same project if testplan_id is set) and not add any test cases to the run.

Selecting and adding test cases based on the queries defined in the test plan is currently not available directly via API but it’s definitely useful and will likely be added in the future.
