I have created a test plan which contains multiple tests and some of them are automated and some require manual testing.
Currently when I create a new test run linked to an existing test plan by importing test results with the CLI tool, only the tests that are referenced in the test results are included in the test run. Any other test cases from the linked test plan are missing from the test run. I need to manually add all the missing tests cases to the test run.
What I would like to do is something like this:
- Automatically create a new test run from CI/CLI which includes all tests from a plan marked as NOTRUN.
- Import automated test results with CLI tool to the previously created test run.
- Manually execute tests for the NOTRUN tests in the test run.
This could be implemented with just one extra argument to the CLI tool. For example, something like:
npx @testiny/cli testrun --project myproject --testplan 1 --name "manual+automated" --testcases ignore --confirm --include-testcases-from-testplan NOTRUN