Can references be added to test run exports?

When exporting test runs to excel all of the fields from the “Details” tab are exported, is there any way to add references to that export?

Thanks, I understand your use case now. I’ve added it to our feature backlog and we’ll have a look at it.

I can not promise any release date yet, but I’ll keep you updated here.

If anyone else would also need defects and/or requirements in the CSV/Excel exports, please leave a comment or upvote.

Hello and welcome to our forum!

Currently, we do not add the linked defects or requirements to the csv/excel export. You can generate a report with the linked defects and requirements though, but I don’t know if that fits your use case.

Would you only need the defects in the export? Or the requirements as well?

And would it be sufficient to export the issue key or would you also want to have the URL/link to the issue in the export?

Thanks for your feedback,

Hello Hanna,

Thank you for your answer, the reason I ask is that we have make a test case matrix linking the run, test case ID’s and Requirements before running a formal validation so having an editable export including the requirement ID’s would be immensely helpful.


Linked requirements and defects are now included in Excel/CSV exports with the latest release: