Hello Team,
I’m new to Testiny but it looks very promising. I currently try to integrate our automated tests from Azure DevOps pipelines into Testiny testruns.
I get the following JUnit file:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<testsuite name="90000 Base Tests" timestamp="2024-04-04T18:21:59" hostname="build-al-c5b4" time="0.083" tests="0" failures="0" errors="0" skipped="0" total="1">
<testcase classname="90000 Base Tests" name="TestBase" time="0.083" />
This is just a first test, but in our real applications we have a ton of tests included. Anyway, the importer crashes with the following error message:
& .\testiny-importer-win.exe testrun -P prj--junit .\TestResults.xml --duplicates folder_title --enable-nested-folders --folder-separator empty --name "1.0.18042.0" --disable-custom-fields --apikey "xxxx" --close --confirm --update
o---o -----------------------------
\-o -----------------------------
API key: user 'me@domain' in organization 'domain'
Using project: project (prj)
JUnit XML import: 1 rows
Importer will import 1 test case results to existing test run '1.0.18042.0'
JUnit XML import: 1 rows
Importer error: Failed to execute step 0 (insert): Input data was rejected: Validation errors: Custom field value 'cf__userstory' is not valid (type=string,present=false,value=true,format=false,po=1) (API_INVALID_INPUT_DATA)
I poked around a little bit, but could not find any hint where the custom “userstory” field comes from or can be injected.
Please help.
Thank you very much.