If you want to link several Jira tickets, this only works very awkwardly and time-consuming one after the other. Until you have searched and linked only 10 references, countless clicks are required and the mousecurosor has to be moved a lot and far.
I have several ideas to achieve an improvement.
On the one hand, while the search dialog is open, you could select several references at the same time (multi-select) or confirm with a button click that this reference should be linked but without closing the dialog at the same time, so that you can search for the next reference in this dialog without opening it again. Basically like the “Linked issues” field directly in Jira.
On the other hand, it would be even better if you could simply pass an arbitrarily long comma-separated list of IDs which will afterwards be converted to individual references. If necessary, via a CSV file exported from Jira, but ideally, for example, by simply importing all the tickets that you have just filtered in Jira. (Calling up the URL of a search, using a saved filter or simply copy the search using plain text in JQL format)