Test run management
Easily organize and keep an overview of your test runs in Testiny, a modern tool for test run management. Collaborate with your team, track changes, and archive results. For manual and automated test runs. Create reports, analyze, export, and share your results.
Managing test runs.
- Easy organization.
- Assemble your test runs in a flexible way – create runs from test plans, or add (or remove) single test cases or whole folders to the run. Use bulk edit to change the assignee of the test cases.
- Collaborate with your team.
- Split the workload among team members, assign test cases to team members or yourself and see how many tests are assigned to each member. Execute test cases, set results, and add comments or screenshots – with real-time updates.

Track & analyze results.
- Keep an overview.
- Track the execution progress and see the current results and how many test cases are left. In the test run summary you can see who is assigned to how many test cases. The project dashboard shows the progress over all runs and the activity of the previous weeks.
- Track changes.
- We keep a history of all changes in your test runs. Easily review changes and versions in our diff views and see who changed what.
- Capture and analyze results.
- Set test case results and track relevant results in the overview tab. See who executed which test case and their results. Filter test cases in runs by their status or assignees, analyze failed or blocked test cases, and repeat failed test cases.

Archive, export & share.
- Immutable results.
- Archive your results by closing a test run to preserve the results and make them immutable – the results cannot be changed anymore and the test cases are frozen. Disallow opening closed test runs organization-wide or per project. Set a time limit or disallow changing test results at all.
- Create PDF reports or export as spreadsheet. Share results.
- Share your test run results by creating a PDF report and define what to include in the report or give a team member read-only access to your project. You can also export the results as CSV or Excel files.

- Integrate with your existing issue-tracking tools.
Set up an integration with issue-tracking tools to create or link defects to your test cases for efficient defect management.
See all integrations

- Collect results from automated test runs.
Import automated test runs with the CLI tool to Testiny to track and analyze auomated test results.
Automation in Testiny

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