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Upload blob data as an attachment to the given test case result in a given test run



Upload blob data (in the request body) as an attachment to the given test case in a test run, with the blob metadata specified in the query parameters


Path Parameters

    trId integerrequired

    The id of the Test Run

    tcId integerrequired

    The id of the Test Case in the specified run the attachment will be added to

Query Parameters

    title stringrequired

    The title for the attachment

    Example: My Attachment
    filename stringrequired

    The file name for the attachment (must be a valid cross-platform file name without path)

    Example: my_attachment_123.jpg
    mime_type string

    The mime type for the attachment - if not specified uses body content type

    Example: image/jpeg





Returns 'Blob'


    id integer

    The unique entity id - must be a positive integer

    title string

    An optional descriptive title for the blob

    is_deleted boolean

    If the entity has been soft-deleted this value is true

    project_id integer

    The project id this entity or mapping belongs to

    created_at date-time

    The creation time for this entity or mapping value

    Example: 1970-01-01T00:00:00.000Z
    created_by number

    The creator user id of this entity or mapping value - or zero if created by the system

    Example: 0
    modified_at date-time

    The last modification time for this entity or mapping value

    Example: 1970-01-01T00:00:00.000Z
    modified_by number

    The id of the user who last modified or undeleted this entity or mapping value - or zero if modified by the system

    Example: 0
    deleted_at date-time

    The soft-deletion time for this entity or mapping value

    Example: 1970-01-01T00:00:00.000Z
    deleted_by number

    The id of the user who deleted this entity or mapping value - or zero if deleted by the system

    Example: 0
    blob_id string

    A globally unique id for the blob

    mime_type string

    The MIME type of the blob (e.g. image/jpeg)

    filename string

    The file name of the blob when it was uploaded. Should have an extension compatible with the 'mime_type'

    size number

    The size in bytes of the final blob

    category string

    The category of the blob

    external_key string

    An optional external key for identification

    Example: PROJ1_A123456
    data string

    The base64 data of the blob when uploading - as an alternative to uploading the blob in a separate request (for small blobs)

    Example: BASE64 BLOB DATA