📄️ Upload blob data as an attachment to the given test case result in a given test run
Upload blob data (in the request body) as an attachment to the given test case in a test run, with the blob metadata specified in the query parameters
📄️ Find 'TestRun' entities using the specified (body) parameters
Search for entities with the filters and arguments specified in 'DataReadParams' (see request schema), with optional mapping expansions via 'map'. Note that 'filter' should include a 'project_id' parameter if API key permissions are restricted to a single project.
📄️ Find a single 'TestRun' entity with the given id
Fetch a single entity by id - If the entity does not exist, returns a 404 error.
📄️ Update one 'TestRun' entity
Update a single existing 'TestRun' entity. Returns a full updated entity including (optional) modification metadata.
📄️ Delete a 'TestRun' by id
If the entity type supports soft-deletion this operation only soft-deletes the entity.
📄️ Find 'TestRun' entities using the specified (query) parameters
Same as POST /find, but serializing the query in the 'q' parameter instead of the request body
📄️ Create a new 'TestRun' entity
Creates a new 'TestRun' entity. Returns full entity with new id and (optional) creation metadata.
📄️ Create multiple new 'TestRun' entities
Creates multiple new 'TestRun' entities. Returns a list of new ids only.
📄️ Update multiple 'TestRun' existing entities
Updates multiple existing 'TestRun' entities. Returns a full updated entity list including (optional) modification metadata.
📄️ Delete multiple 'TestRun' entities by id
Returns the list of deleted ids. If the entity type supports soft-deletion this operation only soft-deletes the entities.
📄️ Undeletes multiple 'TestRun' entities
Undeletes multiple existing 'TestRun' entities (only if the entity type supports soft-deletion). Returns a full undeleted entity list including (optional) deletion metadata.
📄️ Undelete a 'TestRun' by id
Undeletes a single 'TestRun' entity (only if the entity type supports soft-deletion). Returns a full undeleted entity including (optional) deletion metadata.
📄️ Add/remove/update mappings between 'TestRun' entities and other entities
Adds/Removes/Updates mappings between entities (e.g. test cases, test runs, etc.) if the mapping is defined. Id values are named by entity e.g. 'testcase_id', 'testrun_id' (see request schema)