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API Rate Limiting

Testiny uses a rate limiting system known as "base and burst-based" rate limiting. This method permits a specific number of requests (referred to as the "base rate") over a defined period of time, in addition to an additional capacity (referred to as the "burst capacity") that can be utilized on a temporary basis on our API endpoints.
For reasons of simplicity, only the total rate limit values for the respective time windows are presented here.

Working with the Testiny rate limiting

The recommended procedure is to roughly follow the rate limit and wait for a short amount of time after receiving a 429 HTTP response code. Then resend the request and continue with a lower request rate. If you reach the rate limit again and receive another 429 response, wait again, reduce the request rate further and repeat these steps until you no longer receive a 429 response.

Testiny API Rate Limits

The rate limits are the same for all accounts by default.

Common API Calls

API ActionRate LimitRate Limiting Time Window
Read data1100 req1 minute
Write data270 req6 minutes
Blob download3000 req10 minutes
Blob upload3200 req30 minutes
Export data350 req1 hour

Bulk or Batch API Calls

These API calls allow you to modify or retrieve multiple entities at once. For better performance, please use these actions instead of the single-data actions above if you'd like to retrieve or send multiple entities at once.

API ActionRate LimitRate Limiting Time Window
Bulk - Read data1100 req1 minute
Bulk - Write data960 req12 minutes
Data batch ops132 req1 minute

How the Testiny Rate Limiting Operates

  • Base Rate: This is the steady-state limit that defines how many requests a client can make in a typical scenario within a time window (e.g., per minute, per hour, ...).

  • Burst Capacity: This allows clients to exceed the base rate for short periods. The burst capacity is a higher value than the base in a shorter burst time window.

  • Rate Limiting Algorithm: The server internally tracks the number of requests from your client. Once the base rate limit is reached, the burst capacity is used. When the burst capacity is exhausted, further requests are denied until the burst rate limit window resets.
    When the rate limit is exceeded, HTTP status code 429 is returned.

Please note: There are various other specific internal rate limits (such as importing a demo project) that are not disclosed to the public.

Increasing Rate Limits

Testiny can customize the rate limits to suit your individual needs. Customized rate limits are included in the Enterprise plan. Please contact us if you require higher rate limits.