About Testiny

We’re a small team of developers, designers, test experts, and product specialists. We’ve worked with countless test tools and decided to create one of our own.

Who we are

Testiny was founded by Alex, Michi, Christian, Hanna, David, and Stefan, a group of 6 people from Austria who have a long track record in software testing and quality assurance.

We (or at least most of us) have been working together for more than 15 years in the software test automation sphere, have been leading dev-teams, have done product management, have written software & tests, and have acquired professional experience of, together, more than 50 years.

We are a team of developers with skills in nearly every popular state-of-the-art toolstack and with a strong desire for reliable software with high quality. And there’s especially one thing we all love – good user experience and bug-free apps. 😃

This is our main driver behind the development of Testiny, we were unsatisfied with current test management tools and simply want to make it better.

The founders

  • Alex


  • Christian


  • David


  • Hanna


  • Michael


  • Stefan


Our philosophy

We follow an agile development principle – the features you will see are not complete and never will be, as we are continuously enhancing and improving Testiny. We do not try to guess upfront every detail a user might need and instead rely on direct user communication.

We’re working together in a culture that relies on open and honest feedback – so, if you have any ideas, wishes, or concerns, please reach out to us. We always have an open ear for any kind of input. So help us shape Testiny to your needs and write us an email.

Testiny – Made with ❤️ in Austria

Supported by FFG – der österreichischen Förderagentur für wirtschaftsnahe Forschung, Entwicklung und Innovation. Award-winning Business Plan (by i2b) – Ideas to Business. Gründen mit Konzept.

Collage of Testiny

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